Over the summer I had the opportunity to get a new (to me) boat. Nothing big or fancy just a small fishing boat from a charity in Wisconsin. I drove out just before July 4 to pick it up and drove it home that week. It's a 1982 Sea Nymph Fish N Ski. It need a little work so at night I'm working on it replacing wiring and upgrading accessories. It's a hobby I enjoy, working with my hands building things. OK, after I got the boat the rectory staff said you need a name for the boat. I thought long and hard, prayed about it and "Reel Blessed" came into my mind. Firstly I am really blessed to be here at St. John Cantius Parish! The staff and parishioners are wonderful and eager to assist in bringing the parish forward after this Pandemic! And I love to go fishing so the name Reel Blessed came to mind.
We all should stop and think, "What are we really blessed with?" House, home, possessions, family, friends, health? Even if those are not in your top 6 blessings think about how you are reel blessed. Do you have a job? Have you worked to retirement? Whatever we have it is a gift from God. Each one of us has been Reel Blessed in faith. Take a moment to thank God and take time to step back, enjoy a hobby or two and relish that fact that each one of us is Reel Blessed!