We, the faithful community of St. John Cantius Parish, aware of our baptismal privilege and our universal call to holiness, and motivated by a genuine love and loyalty to the Roman Catholic Church founded by our Lord Jesus Christ, proclaim to all our pledge to:
*live out our common Priesthood as representatives of Christ here on earth.
*worship God, especially through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament.
*encourage one another to make use of the seven Sacraments which are the chief sources of God's Grace.
* honor our Blessed Mother through teh recitation of the Rosary and other forms of Marian devotion.
*serve faithfully our Holy Father, the Vicar of Christ, here on earth.
*strive to be of service to each other, especially the sick, the elderly and those most in need.
*work to help sustain and strengthen the family unit, and preserve the sanctity of life.
Saturday: 3:30-4:15pm
Eucharist Adoration: Wednesdays from October to June
4-7 pm
Miraculous Medal Novena (October to June)
Mondays 6:30 pm with Adoration and Benediction