New Paragraph

PREP Student and Parent Handbook

Remember that YOU are the First teachers of your child in the ways of Faith.

We hope this year will be a truly cooperative effort between you and the Catechists who will be teaching your child


As YOU are the primary teacher and children follow by example allow your children to see you pray, help a neighbor, volunteer in teh community or the Church.  Your example will go a long way in connecting what they learn at PREP to living it in the real world.

Value of the Curriculum

Each level of the program has its own scope and sequence, which is to be covered during the year where it builds upon the previous one.  In addition, at each level, the children learn about the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Liturgical Year, the Feasts of the Church, feast of Mary and other notable saints.  These areas are covered in a way that each level can best understand.  Catechists also speak to the children about Catholic Social Teaching and Social Justice.

The PREP Program is not intended to be just a Sacramental Program.  The religious education of a child in the PREP program is intended to be a progressive formation in the truths and beliefs of our religion

Additional information for you

Sacramental PREP
                                   For children who are preparing for the reception of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation, specific information will be distributed at an appropriate time during the class year.

         Parents and students are expected to attend meetings where the Sacrament and pertinent information will be discussed.  Information about the dates and times of these meetings will be sent home and will also be published in the weekly bulletin, here on the website, on Facebook and in the Flocknotes app.

          By attending these meetings, you are showing your child the commitment you have to their religious education.  It is important for you to be a living example of what is taught weekly to your children.  Penance is not just about FIRST Penance and Holy Communion is not just about FIRST Holy Communion.  Your child will receive these sacraments repeatedly in their lifetime.  Confirmation is about living our profession of faith.


                              Homework assignments are given to reinforce the classroom lesson.  Sometimes the assignment is a written one and other times it is a    discussion with family members regarding a topic covered in class or it might be watching a video on FORMED.ORG  Your involvement in these assignments is important, for it reinforces our partnership in your child's faith development.  Every student is issued a textbook and a folder at the start of the school year.  The student IS REQUIRED to BRING these items to EVERY session

ATTENDANCE                  Class is held on Thursday from 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm September through May

                            If your child will be absent from a PREP class, please call the Coordinator of Religious Education at the rectory , 215.535.6667 or by email at before 4:00 PM.  The faith formation provided in our programs involves incremental learning. That is each year builds upon the learning of the previous year. Therefore, it is essential that students remain enrolled in the program consistently from year-to-year. Any student who voluntarily leaves the program for a period of one year will be required to make-up the missed year upon re-enrollment into the program. (e.g. a student who leaves the program for a period of one year after completing level 3 and re-enrolls in the program when they are in grade 5 will be placed into the 4th level.) Any student who voluntarily leaves the program for two or more consecutive years must fulfill the following two requirements: 1. The student will be placed into a grade level that is one below their current day school grade level. 2. For example, a student who leaves the program after completing level 3 and re-enrolls when he is in the 6th grade * The parents are required to provide home based catechesis for level 4 * Upon completion of level 4, the child is accepted into level 5 to continue his/her faith formation. All students must complete make-up work for classes missed. If more than three classes are missed in a semester, weekend make-up class may be required. Sporadic class attendance (four or more absences per year) can be reason for the student not being admitted to the next level of instruction. Irregular attendance (more than three absences) during a Sacrament preparation year can result in the postponement of the reception of the sacrament, as the Church charges us with the serious responsibility of seeing that children are adequately instructed before the initial reception of the sacraments. Students in grades one through six who play on parish CYO teams must be registered in the PREP program for the entire school year. The choice of sporadic attendance on the part of the student is cause for being dropped from the CYO team

NON-CUSTODIAL PARENTS It is the responsibility of both biological parents to provide the Parish with the latest, up to date Custodial Order or Custody Agreement. St. Patrick Parish will request these documents in the beginning of the year. If either the Custody Order or Custody Agreement changes during the course of the year, it remains the responsibility of both biological parents to provide that document to the Parish immediately. Our program abides by the provisions of the Buckley Amendment with respect to the rights of non-custodial parents. In the absence of a court order to the contrary, our program will provide the non-custodial parent with access to the records and other program related information regarding the child. If there is a court order specifying that there is to be no information given, it is the responsibility of the custodial parent to provide the program director with an official and latest copy of the court order. If a court prohibits our releasing a child into the custody of a non-custodial parent, it is the responsibility of the custodial parent to provide the program director with an official copy of the court order or custody section of the divorce decree.

FIRST RECEPTION OF SACRAMENTS In conjunction with the recommendation of the Office for Religious Education of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, two years of catechesis are required for the initial reception of the sacraments of Penance and Eucharist. In Saint John Cantius Parish these Sacraments are usually received at Level Two and Three. Candidates for these sacraments are expected to be participating weekly in Sunday Mass with their families and have an appreciation and understanding of the Sacraments, appropriate for their age. They are also required to have satisfactory attendance at classes and to participate in the Parish Presentation Ceremony, the retreats, and the rehearsals. Candidates for Confirmation are usually Sixth Level students who have completed three full years of catechesis subsequent to their reception of First Eucharist.

Candidates are expected to be participating weekly with their families at Sunday Mass. They are required to have consistent attendance at classes, participate in any Parish Presentation Ceremony, the Confirmation Retreat, rehearsals and other activities preparatory to the Sacraments. In addition, candidates for Confirmation are expected to volunteer their services for parish, school, community and family needs, as awareness of their call to take a more active part in the Works of Mercy. Candidates for Confirmation must choose a sponsor who will help him/her throughout life to fulfill his/her baptismal commitment. The godparent who initially assumed this responsibility in Baptism is the ideal choice. The sponsor must be at least sixteen years of age, have received the sacrament of Confirmation, and be an actively practicing Catholic. A Letter of Eligibility from the pastor of the sponsor’s parish is required. In conformity with the 1983 revised Code of Canon Law parents may not be sponsors. If, for emergency reasons, a Proxy Sponsor must be chosen, the same requirements hold for this person. Written notification of the proxy must be submitted to the Religious Education Office


No tolerance for bad behavior

Disregard for classroom and program regulations will not be tolerated. The Parish Religious Education Program offered by St. John Cantius Parish has no tolerance for behaviors that are contrary to Catholic faith and morals, including but not limited to ongoing acts of obstinacy, improper language, fighting, physical, emotional or psychological intimidation, vandalism, demeaning behavior such as name-calling, obscene language or gestures, and harassment. Such behaviors violate the central teaching of our faith and will not be tolerated in any form. These categories do not cover every possible situation. The parish determines what is appropriate or inappropriate behavior, both in and out of the classroom, in the school community generally, and outside the school community where such improper behavior affects the school community. 

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Prayer, the lifting of the mind and heart to God, plays an essential role in the life of a devout Catholic. Without a life of Catholic prayer, we risk losing the life of grace in our souls, grace that comes to us first in baptism and later chiefly through the other sacraments and through prayer itself (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2565). Catholic prayers allow us to adore God, by acknowledging his almighty power; prayers allow us to bring our thanks, our petitions, and our sorrow for sin before our Lord and God.


“Prayer is the life of the new heart. It ought to animate us at every moment. “We must remember God more often that we draw breath.” “The Tradition of the Church proposes to the faithful certain rhythms of praying intended to nourish continual prayer. Some are daily, such as morning and evening prayer, grace before and after meals, the Liturgy of the Hours. Sundays, centered on the Eucharist, are kept holy primarily by prayer. The cycle of the liturgical year and its great feast are also basic rhythms of the Christian’s life of prayer.” (CCC 2697,2698) Please teach your children to memorize the following prayers:

Level 1 Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to Father, Grace Before and After Meals, Prayer to the Guardian Angel, a simple Morning Offering

Level 2 Same a Level 1 plus the Act of Contrition, Rosary

 Level 3 Same as Level 2 plus Stations of the Cross, Apostles Creed, Hail Holy Queen

Level 4 - 6 Same as Level 3 plus Magnificat, Angelus, Prayers at Mass, Acts of Faith, Hope and Love, Come Holy Spirit, Memorare, Magnificat

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The Archdiocese of Philadelphia provides a Safe Environment lesson for PREP catechists and mandates that this lesson be taught one session of the instruction year. The Safe Environment lessons are posted for your review at Scroll down to Safe Environment and click on lessons. Then click on the grade that your child has in PREP and review the entire lesson. The Safe Environment lesson is intended to supplement the conversations that you are having with your child(ren) about their personal safety. It is recommended that parents who choose not to have their child present during safe environment instruction, review the lesson with their child(ren) at home.

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Because Our Lord’s life is an example of total self-discipline, the Religious Education Program strives to teach discipline as well as doctrines of our faith. In order to accomplish this we ask that the student adhere to the following:

General Information

 * respectful attitude and speech to teachers and fellow students * cooperation in classroom and program projects * students may only enter the classroom when the catechist/aide are present * personal habits of : punctuality (arrival ON TIME) preparedness (textbook, homework and study) appropriate dress ( Girls no tank tops, bare midriffs, cutoffs, short shorts, or flip flops) (Boys no hats in school) attentiveness ( No gum chewing/snacking) responsibility: care for property of other students who use the same classroom: care for school property. * understand that repeated and/ or severe disciplinary infractions cause your temporary or permanent dismissal

Parent Responsibilities

God, our Father, revealed Himself to us in the person of Jesus Christ. Since the day Our Blessed Mother Mary heard and accepted the Good news of Jesus, the Church, His Body, has followed His command: “ Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations...teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”(Mt.28:19)

 With this understanding, Mary and Joseph taught Jesus. “The role of parents in education is of such importance that it is almost impossible to provide an adequate substitute.” (GE) The most important responsibility of the parents is the education and spiritual faith formation of the child and with God’s help, all these things can be achieved. With this understanding, the Religious Education Program at Saint John Cantius parish will aid parents in meeting the responsibility given to them by God Himself by teaching the basic truths and traditions of the Catholic Church, developing a sense of prayer and worship and encouraging a sense of responsibility to themselves, their families and community.

 Since example is more powerful than words, parents are urged to:

 * provide regular prayer opportunities in the home.

 * attend Sunday Mass as a family.

* encourage frequent reception of Holy Eucharist and Penance.

 * model Catholic ethics and Gospel charity within and outside the family

* attendance at religion class

* attend Sacramental Program Workshops.

 * support the religious education of your child throughout all the school years (K - 12)

* reinforce the catechist’s work by- seeing that your child is ON TIME for class - supervising study and written assignments - participating in family liturgies - providing the catechist with health and medical information as pertinent; absence notes - promptly returning signed report cards - supporting the code for acceptable student behavior and dress. - observing the dismissal routine - notifying the program director regarding: - special learning needs of your child - absences, emergency lateness -change of address, telephone or other family information.

REPORT CARDS AND ASSESSMENT Students will be tested on the materials studied in class. Weekly assignments may be given as review or preparation for upcoming classes. Evaluations of students’ classroom performance are based on test grades, homework assignments and classroom participation. Reports on student progress will be distributed two times a year in January and May. The reports will be sent home with the student. Parents acknowledge receipt of the mid-year report card by signing and returning it to the classroom catechist. Both mid-year and final reports may be retained by the family at the end of the school year.

 LOST AND FOUND Items found in the classroom and identified as possibly belonging to religious education students are usually given to the Religious Education Office. They will be place in the general “lost and found”, which is found on the second floor of the school. Students who need to inquire about lost items should call the Religious Education Office (215-535-6667) CATECHETICAL AIDE We welcome and encourage any parent who would like to act as a volunteer aide in our classrooms. Their basic role would be to take attendance, help the catechist with activities, and see to the needs of the children. Archdiocesan compliance guidelines state that no volunteer should begin work with children without Pennsylvania State Criminal Record Check, Child Abuse Clearance and Safe Environment instruction. These requirements are further explained by the Office of Child Youth Protection which you can viewed at . Click the link for staff and volunteers

20 Ways to Foster Faith in the Home

1. Give blessings to one another.

 2. Celebrate name days and baptismal anniversaries.

3. Pray spontaneously at special times: first driver’s license, first allowance, first date, tenth birthday, first day of school, or new job….

4. Pray grace before and after meals.

5. Celebrate the Eucharist as a family. Discuss the readings.

6. Set us a prayer corner in your home with religious images, a Bible, candles, and floral arrangements.

7. Pray the rosary together, at least a decade a day, especially in May and October.

8. Attend a parish mission, retreat or prayer service together.

9. Play Christian songs in the car and sing along with them.

10. Talk about prayer: the way you like to pray best, your favorite prayer and when you pray.

11. Pray for situations in the news or your neighborhood and for friends and relatives.

12. Use religious images in the house to stay mindful of God and your faith: a crucifix on the bedroom walls, pictures, statues of Jesus, Mary and the saints.

13. Choose a patron saint for your family.

14. Have a blessed candle and display it on you dining room table for special occasions.

15. Be creative in forming a habit of praying at certain times such as while driving to school.

16. Memorize Scripture passages or short prayers together.

17. Begin building prayer traditions such as reading the nativity story together on Christmas.

18. Pray a novena as a preparation for a special feast or event as First Communion, a wedding, Father’s Day.

19. Write a family prayer or a family creed.

20. Decide what to do as a family during Advent and Lent to observe the season. Parents may schedule a personal meeting with catechists and /or the Director by contacting the Religious Education Office.

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